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Associate Professor of the Department of History of Ukraine and methods of teaching history,
сandidate of historical sciences |
In 1987 she graduated Ivano-Frankivsk State Pedagogical Institute named after Vasyl Stefanyk, specialty – «Нistory», and got qualification «Teacher of History and Social Sciences». From 1988 to 1991 she worked at Ivano-Frankivsk Secondary School № 21. She started working as a senior laboratory assistant at the Department of History of Ukraine at the Ivano-Frankivsk Pedagogical Institute named after Vasyl Stefanyk in September 1991. From 1999 to 2005 she worked as an assistant at the Department of History of Ukraine. Since 2005 she has been working as an Associate Professor at the Department of History of Ukraine (since 2018 – Department of History of Ukraine and Methods of Teaching History) at Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University. From 1992 to 1996 she studied part-time at the graduate school of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian University, majoring in 07.00.01 – «History of Ukraine». In 2004 she successfully protected her PhD thesis on the topic: «Ukrainian cooperation in the socially political life of the West Ukraine (1920 –1939)», specialty 07.00.01 – «History of Ukraine» and received a Ph.D. in History of Ukraine (DK No. 025708, Decision of the Attestation Commission of October 13, 2004). In 2013, by the Decision of the Certification Board she was awarded the academic title of Associate Professor of the Department of History of Ukraine (Associate Professor’s Certificate 12 DC № 034287). Supervises student research papers, opposes PhD theses. Research interests: socio-political life in Western Ukraine in 1920–1939, economic history of Ukraine, methods of teaching history. Author of more than 40 publications, including monographs, sections (subsections) in collective monographs, articles in professional publications, teaching materials, etc.
Monographic publications and sections, subsections in collective monographs
1. Drohomyretska L. Cooperation and politics: Ukrainian political parties of Western Ukraine in the cooperative movement (1920-1939). Ivano-Frankivsk, 2010. 128 p.
2. Drohomyretska L. Stanislaviv – Stanislav – Ivano-Frankivsk (to the 350th anniversary of Ivano-Frankivsk): monograph / Ker. aut. col., goal ed. V.Velykochyj. Ivano-Frankivsk – Lviv – Kyiv: Manuscript-Lviv, 2012. P. 74-91 (co-authored).
3. Institute of History and Political Science: 70 years of pedagogical, scientific and social activities / Ed. Professor M. Kugutyak. Ivano-Frankivsk: publisher Tretyak I.Y., 2010. 336 p. Pp. 237-239, 310-311.
4. Drohomyretska L. Personalities of authors: historical and biographical portraits. They are famous for their victory and pen. Hetmans of Ukraine. Artistic and literary image. A reading book for primary school students. Educational and methodical publication. Kyiv, 2020. P.175-192.
5. Drohomyretska L. Images of Hetmans of Ukraine in literary works. Vyhovsky Ivan Ostapovich // Famous for victory and pen. Hetmans of Ukraine. Artistic and literary image. A reading book for primary school students. Part one. Kyiv, 2020. P.122-174. (co-authored).
Scientific articles in professional publications of Ukraine, collections of scientific papers, conference materials
6. Drohomyretska L. Cooperative movement in the documents and materials of Ukrainian political parties in Western Ukraine (1920-1939). Ukrainian science: past, present, future. Ternopil, 1997. S. 57-60.
7. Drohomyretska L. The problem of relations between Western Ukrainian cooperative organizations and Polish government circles in 1920-1939 / Ukrainian-Polish relations in Galicia in the twentieth century .: Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference (November 21-22, 1996). Ivano-Frankivsk, 1997. S. 230-234.
8. Drohomyretska L. Ukrainian cooperative movement in Galicia in the 20-30s of the twentieth century: organizational structure and experience of economic activity. Galicia. All-Ukrainian scientific and cultural-educational journal of local lore. 1998. № 2. S.173-180.
9. Drogomiretskaya LR Ideological foundations of the Ukrainian cooperative movement in Western Ukraine in the theoretical works of Yu. Pavlykovsky. Bulletin of the Precarpathian University. History series. Ivano-Frankivsk, 1999. Issue. ІІ. Pp. 123-127.
10. Drohomyretska L. Andrei Sheptytsky – a devotee of the unification of Ukrainian churches. The legacy of Metropolitan Andrei Sheptytsky in the national and spiritual revival of Ukraine. Ivano-Frankivsk: Play, 2000. S. 49–52.
11. Drohomyretska L. The struggle of Western Ukrainian parties for influence in cooperation (1910-1939). Galicia. All-Ukrainian scientific and cultural-educational journal of local lore. 2001. S. 71-77.
12. Drohomyretska L. Socio-political activities of Ukrainian cooperative organizations in Western Ukraine (1920-1939). Ukraine between past and future: Proceedings of the All-Ukrainian Scientific Conference. Kyiv, 2002. P.125-132.
13. Drogomiretskaya L. Greek Catholic clergy in the cooperative movement of Western Ukraine 1920-1939. Bulletin of the Precarpathian University. History series. Ivano-Frankivsk, 2003. Issue. VII. Pp. 77-89.
14. Drohomyretska L. Problems of cooperation in the activities of the Ukrainian National Democratic Union (1925-1939). Scientific Bulletin of Chernivtsi University. Collection of scientific works. Vip. 323-324. History. Political science. International relations. Chernivtsi: “Ruta”, 2006. P. 58-64.
15. Drohomyretska L. Problems of cooperation in the program documents and activities of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (1929-1939). Galicia. All-Ukrainian scientific and cultural-educational journal of local lore. 2008. № 14. S. 148–154.
16. Drohomyretska L. Economic views of Stepan Bandera. Galicia. Scientific and cultural-educational journal. 2009. № 15-16. P.245-250.
17. Drohomyretska L. Economic and educational activities of Ukrainian cooperative organizations in Western Ukraine (1920-1939). Galicia. All-Ukrainian scientific and cultural-educational journal of local lore. 2010. № 17. pp. 159–173.
18. Drohomyretska L. The role of cooperation in the development of management culture of the Ukrainian population of Galicia (1920-1939). Historical monuments of Galicia. Proceedings of the Fifth Scientific Conference on Local Lore. Lviv, 2011. S. 127-137.
19. Drohomyretska L. Ideology of the Ukrainian cooperative movement in Western Ukraine (1920-1939). Bulletin of the Precarpathian University. History series. Ivano-Frankivsk, 2010. Issue 18. P. 44-51.
20. Drohomyretska L. Activities of Ukrainian clerical organizations in Galicia in the field of cooperation (1925-1939). History of religions in Ukraine. Scientific Yearbook. Lviv, 2011. S. 453-460.
21. Drohomyretska L. Stanislaviv as part of the Second Commonwealth: features of socio-political and socio-economic life. Galicia. All-Ukrainian scientific and cultural-educational journal of local lore. 2011. № 18. P.125-138 (Co-authored).
22. Drohomyretska L. Spiritual shrines of the Carpathians of the Middle Ages. History of Ukraine (School World). 2012. № 5/6. Pp. 10–14.
23. Drohomyretska L. Development of the Ukrainian cooperative movement in Western Ukraine in the national policy of the Second Commonwealth (1920-1939). Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Ukrainian-Polish relations today: the need to” reset “or continue?” (Yaremche, September 24-26, 2010). From the pleasure of Hadziack to the European Union. T.I. Free with free, equal with equal, start with the beginning… [From the Treaty of Hadiach to the European Union. THOSE. Free with free, equal with equal, worthy with worthy…] / Edited by A. Kulchytsky, I. Gurak, I. Slota, M. Rovitsky, O. Borynyak. Rzeszów – Lwów – Iwano-Frankowsk, 2012. P. 35–47.
24. Drohomyretska LR Economic policy of the Western Ukrainian People’s Republic: historical and legal aspect. Galicia. All-Ukrainian Scientific and Cultural-educational Journal of local lore. 2014. Ch.25-26. Pp. 132-141.
25. Drohomyretska L. Experience of Western Ukrainian political parties in the field of cooperation (1920-1930’s). Galicia. All-Ukrainian scientific and cultural-educational journal of local lore. 2015. Ch.27. Pp. 116-133.
26. Drohomyretska L. Cooperation of Ukrainian cooperative organizations of Eastern Galicia with the society “Farmer” in the 20-30’s of the twentieth century. Galicia. All-Ukrainian Scientific and Cultural-educational Journal of local lore. 2016. Ch.28. Pp. 26-33.
27. Drohomyretska L. Ostap Lutsky – ideologist and organizer of the Ukrainian cooperative movement. Galicia. All-Ukrainian Scientific and Cultural-educational Journal of local lore. 2017. Ch.29-30. Pp. 176-183.
28. Drohomyretska L. Cooperation in program documents and activities of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (1929-1939). Ukraine: cultural heritage, national consciousness, statehood. Issue 30: Ukrainian liberation movement of the twentieth century / [ch. editor. Mykola Lytvyn, order. and science. ed. Mikhail Romanyuk]. NAS of Ukraine, Institute of Ukrainian Studies. I. Krypyakevych. Lviv, 2017. P.97-103.
29. Drohomyretska LR Repressions against peasants in the western regions of Ukraine in the period of collectivization (1944-1953). Gileya: scientific bulletin. 2018. Vip. 138 (1). Pp. 97-100 (Co-authored with AR Malik).
30. Drohomyretska L. Ostap Lutsky // Western Ukrainian People’s Republic 1918–1923. Encyclopedia: To the 100th anniversary of the Western Ukrainian People’s Republic. Vol. 2: З – О. Ivano-Frankivsk: Manuscript-Lviv, 2019. S. 470-471.
31. Drogomyretska L., Yehrechii O. The determination of the legal status of the Greek-Catholic Church in the Polish State (1919–1925). Galicia. All-Ukrainian Scientific and Cultural-educational Journal of local lore. 2020. Ch.33. Pp. 158-166.
32. Drohomyretska L. Legal regulation of the development of Ukrainian cooperation in Poland (1920-1939). Ukraine – Poland: strategic partnership in the system of geopolitical coordinates: Proceedings of the II International Scientific and Practical Conference, Kyiv, May 14-15, 2020. Kyiv: “Millennium”, 2020. P.33-34.
33. Drohomyretska L. Formation of readiness for innovation as a component of professional training of future history teachers. Ways to implement the conceptual foundations of NUS in the study of history in general secondary education: materials of the All-Ukrainian scientific-practical conference, Ternopil, October 16-17, 2020. Ternopil: TNPU Publishing House, 2020. P.24-28.
34. Drohomyretska L. The role of Peter Antonovich Kosach in the life of his daughter Lesya Ukrainka. The ideologist of the national aristocracy (in honor of the 150th anniversary of the birth of Lesya Ukrainka): a collection of scientific papers on the materials of the All-Ukrainian scientific-practical conference with international participation February 25 – 26, 2021 / scientific editor Tatiana Yeshchenko. Lviv: Danylo Halytskyi Lviv National Medical University Printing House, 2021. P.286-297 (co-authored).
35. Drohomyretska L. Integrated technologies of teaching the history of Ukraine in 11th grade: implementation of the competence approach. Theory and methods of teaching social sciences: scientific and pedagogical journal. Vip. 9. Sumy: Sumy State Pedagogical University named after AS Makarenko, 2021. P.125-128 (co-authored).
36. Drohomyretska L. “Hybrid War”: conceptual approaches to the content of the concept. Current trends in international relations: Proceedings of the All-Ukrainian Conference, Kyiv, December 17-18, 2020 / resp. for vip. Meleshchenko TV, Stoyan TA, Tsybukh VI, Karabardin AV, Kyiv: National Pedagogical University named after MP Drahomanov, 2021. P.37-39 (co-authored).
37. Drohomyretska L. Using the technology of cooperative learning during a lesson on world history in the 11th grade. Problems of didactics of history: a collection of scientific works / [editor: S. Kopylov (chairman, editor-in-chief), etc.]. Kamenets-Podolsky: Kamenets-Podolsky National University named after Ivan Ogienko, 2021. Issue. 12. P.121-127 (co-authored).
Educational and methodical materials
38. Drohomyretska L. History of Ukraine. Collection of tests for entrants majoring in “History”, “Political Science”, “Philosophy”, “Religious Studies” / Liudmila Drohomyretska, Vasyl Burdulanyuk, Tamara Halytska-Didukh, Oleg Egreshiy and others. Ivano-Frankivsk: Play, 2005. 216 p. Pp. 4–21.
39. History of Ukraine. Collection of tests for entrants majoring in “History”, “Political Science”, “Philosophy”, “Religious Studies” / Liudmila Drohomyretska, Vasyl Burdulanyuk, Tamara Halytska-Didukh, Oleg Egreshiy and others. Ivano-Frankivsk: Airborne Forces CIT Prykarp. nation. V. Stefanyk University, 2006. 215 p. Pp. 4–26.
40. Drohomyretska L. Ancient history of Ukraine. Educational and methodical manual for students majoring in “History”. Ivano-Frankivsk, 2012. 54 p.
41. Drohomyretska L. Economic history of Ukraine. Methodical materials for studying the special course. Ivano-Frankivsk, 2012. 25 p.
42. Drohomyretska L. Working curriculum, seminar plans and guidelines for the course “Ancient and Medieval History of Ukraine”. Ivano-Frankivsk: PNU, 2015. 63 p.
43. Drohomyretska L. Methodical recommendations for the organization of independent work of students in the course “History of Ukraine” for students of non-historical specialties. Ivano-Frankivsk: PNU, 2018. 95 p.
44. Drohomyretska L. “Ancient and medieval history of Ukraine”: methodological support of the discipline. Ivano-Frankivsk: PNU, 2020. 125 p.
45. Drohomyretska LR Methodical aspects of teaching ancient and medieval history of Ukraine at school: recommendations for preparation for seminars and organization of independent work of students majoring in 014.03 “Secondary Education (History)” educational qualification level “Bachelor”. Ivano-Frankivsk: PNU, 2020. 78 p.
1. Ancient and medieval history of Ukraine.
2. Methodical aspects of teaching ancient and medieval history of Ukraine at school.
3. Economic history of Ukraine.
4. History of Ukraine.
Faculty of History, Political Science and International Relations
Department of History of Ukraine and methods of teaching history
street Shevchenko, 57, aud. 601
(Humanitarian Corps, 6th floor)
Ivano-Frankivsk, 76018