Halytska-Didukh Tamara Viacheslavivna

Associate Professor of the Department of History of Ukraine and methods of teaching history,


сandidate of historical sciences


Personal information Major publications Educational disciplines Contacts

Born on June 22, 1974, in Ivano-Frankivsk. She completed her secondary education at Secondary School No. 7, before pursuing higher education at Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University. From 1991 to 1996, she studied at the Faculty of History, earning a Specialist Diploma with Honors (LP VE No. 000104) on June 25, 1996. She qualified as a Teacher of History and Ethnology (specialisation: “History and Ethnology”). She obtained a Master’s Diploma with Honors (DM No. 002649) on June 24, 1997, specializing in “History”.
She began her career as a history teacher at Secondary School No. 8 in Ivano-Frankivsk. Between 1998 and 2000, she undertook postgraduate studies, during which she focused on Ukrainian history. In 2002, she defended her dissertation titled Eastern Galicia and the Riga Peace Conference (1920–1921), earning the degree of Candidate of Historical Sciences. Her dissertation was supervised by Professor O. Yu. Karpenko at the I. Krypiakevych Institute of Ukrainian Studies, and it was officially approved by the Presidium of Ukraine’s Higher Attestation Commission (Diploma DK No. 016659; Protocol No. 9-11/10, November 13, 2002).
Academic Career:
– 2001–2006: Assistant, later Senior Lecturer at the Department of World History, Faculty of History, Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University.
– 2006–present: Associate Professor at the Department of Ukrainian History (Associate Professor Certificate No. 02DC 013700; decision of the Attestation Board, Protocol No. 5/01-D, December 22, 2006).
– Supervised two successful PhD dissertations (V. V. Ostrovsky, B. V. Paska), acted as dissertation opponent, mentored students, and prepared over 12 winners/laureates of the All-Ukrainian Student History Olympiad (Stage II).
– Chair/Co-Chair of the Jury for the All-Ukrainian Student History Olympiad Stage III (2005–2025) and member of the Junior Academy of Sciences (JAS) Defense Jury (History Section, 2025).
– Chair of the “Teacher of the Year (History)” Competition Jury (2012, 2016) and member (2020, 2025).
– Chair of the All-Ukrainian Student History Olympiad Stage I Jury (2004–2025) and member of Stage II.  Leadership Roles:
– Member of the Specialized Academic Council K 20.051.05 for defending dissertations in Ukrainian History (07.00.01) and Ethnology (07.00.05) at Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University (2014–2017).
– Guarantor of the Bachelor’s Educational Program 014 “Secondary Education (History)” (2019–2023).
– Prepared expert reviews of textbook manuscripts (History of Ukraine, Grades 8 and 10).
– Editorial Board Member of Student Historical Notebooks.
– Member of the Faculty of History, Political Science, and International Relations Academic Council; Advisory Council for General Secondary Education Development; and Faculty Practice Coordinator.
Professional Development:
– Engages in domestic/international internships, non-formal education, and serves as a speaker for the “Historical Discussion Club” at the student space Paragraph.
– Member of the All-Ukrainian Society Prosvita named after Taras Shevchenko.
– History teacher at the St. Basil Catholic Lyceum, preparing students as winners/prize-holders of the All-Ukrainian Student History Olympiad (Stage II).
Projects & Initiatives:
– Co-founded the “Precarpathian Language School” (Ukrainian-Turkish educational project).
– Collaborated on the Ukrainian-Polish project “Money” to enhance financial literacy.
– Organized events commemorating T. Shevchenko’s 210th anniversary and the 110th anniversary of the Ukrainian Sich Riflemen.
– Lectured on Ukraine’s 20th-century national liberation movement for the SBU in Ivano-Frankivsk. Conducts workshops for secondary schools.
Administrative Roles:
– Deputy Dean for Educational Work at the Faculty of History, Political Science, and International Relations.
– Coordinates volunteer initiatives (e.g., “St. Nicholas Mercy Town,” Ivano-Frankivsk Educational-Rehabilitation Center).
– Organizes cultural-educational events at the university and local schools.
Publications & Honors:

– Author of 70+ scholarly articles (including Web of Science-indexed works), monograph chapters, and conference participant.
– Awards:
– Certificate of Merit from Ukraine’s Ministry of Education and Science (2015).
– K. D. Ushynsky Medal by the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences (2018).
– 130th Anniversary of Yevhen Konovalets Jubilee Award (2021).
– For Merit to Precarpathian Medal (2024).
– Certificates from Regional/Municipal Authorities (2011–2024).
Innovations & Research Interests:
Implementation of case studies, mind maps, economic games, and AI in education. Research focuses on:
– Russian Federation war crimes (2014–2025).
– Eastern Galicia in Polish/Russian politics (1918–1923).
– Modern educational technologies and competency-based history teaching.
Hobbies: Basketball, figure skating, reading, theater.


– Methods of Teaching History (Bachelor’s, 014 Secondary Education (History).
– History of Ukraine: 1914–1945 (Bachelor’s, 014 Secondary Education (History).
– History of Ukraine: 1945–Present (Bachelor’s, 014 Secondary Education (History).
– History of Ukraine: 20th–Early 21st Century ( 032 History and Archaeology).
– Innovative Technologies (Master’s, 014 Secondary Education (History).
– Competency-Based Training for History Teachers (Bachelor’s, 014 Secondary Education (History).
– Didactic Games in History Lessons (Bachelor’s, 014 Secondary Education (History).

Faculty of History, Political Science and International Relations
Department of History of Ukraine and methods of teaching history
street Shevchenko, 57, aud. 601
(Humanitarian Corps, 6th floor)
Ivano-Frankivsk, 76018

E-mail: tamara.halytska@pnu.edu.ua

Тел: (0342) 59-60-06

Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University