Kobuta Stepan Yosyfovych

Associate Professor of the Department of History of Ukraine and methods of teaching history,


сandidate of historical sciences


Personal information Major publications Educational disciplines Contacts

    Stepan Kobuta is a cum laude graduate of the Faculty of History of Vasyl Stefanyk Ivano-Frankivsk Pedagogical Institute (1987–1992). He worked as a history teacher at the Lviv school № 68. Starting from September, 1994, he taught history and social sciences at Ivano-Frankivsk College of Electronic Devices.

    In 1997–2000 Stepan Kobuta worked as a researcher of the Department of Regional Problems of the Institute of Political and Ethnonational Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian University. Under the scientific guidance of Professor O. Karpenko Stepan Kobuta researched the history of the Western Ukrainian People’s Republic and was a part of the team working on the publication a multi-volume collection of documents and materials on this topic. At the same time he was working on his PhD thesis and in July, 2001 he defended his dissertation on the topic: «Socio-political Processes in the Western Region of Ukraine (1988–1999 pp.)» in the Specialized Academic Council of Yu. Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University.

    In 2000 Stepan Kobuta became a lecturer of the Department of World History, in 2001 he was promoted to the position of a senior lecturer at the Department of History of Ukraine of the Precarpathian National University, in 2002 he was got the position of an associate professor of Department of History of Ukraine. In 2009 he received the academic title of the associate professor.

    Stepan Kobuta has taken part in over 120 scientific conferences; he is an author of more than 180 scientific publications, 15 of which are parts of collective scientific monographs, collections of documents, and encyclopedic publications. He has published 7 educational and methodological reference books and manuals. Research interests – political history of Ukraine XIX – early XX centuries; conditions and processes of legalization of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church (1987–1991); socio-political transformations in Ukraine at the turn of XX – XXI centuries. Currently Stepan Kobuta works on the history of the development of law in Galicia, the activity of Ukrainian lawyers in Prykarpattia (Stanislaviv region) in the late XIX – in the first half of the XX century.

Monographs and parts of the collective monographs

  1. Kobuta S.Y. Chronicle of state formation in Prykarpattia (1988–2001). Ivano-Frankivsk: Play, 2002. 96p. (Kugutyak, B. Gavryliv).
  2. Kobuta S.Y. In the independent Ukrainian state // Prykarpattia is a heritage of centuries. Monuments of nature, cultural history, ethnography. Historical and cultural publication. Lviv: Manuscript-Lviv, 2006. Pp. 388–437. (Burdulaniuk, B. Havryliv ).
  3. Kobuta S. November Act // Western Ukrainian People’s Republic, 1918-1923: Illustrated History. Lviv; Ivano-Frankivsk: Manuscript-Lviv, 2008. Pp. 120–141 (O. Karpenko).
  4. Kobuta S. Legislative and rule-making activity / Western Ukrainian People’s Republic, 1918-1923: Illustrated history. Lviv; Ivano-Frankivsk: Manuscript-Lviv, 2008. – P. 182 – 191.
  5. Kobuta S. Ukrainian press // Western Ukrainian People’s Republic, 1918-1923: Illustrated history. Lviv – Ivano-Frankivsk: Manuscript-Lviv, 2008. Pp. 458-469. (L. Kobuta).
  6. Pokuttya: historical and ethnographic essay. Lviv: Manuscript-Lviv, 2010. 455 p.
  7. Higher pedagogical education and science of Ukraine: history, present and prospects of development. Ivano-Frankivsk region K .: Znannia, 2010. 335 p.
  8. Institute of History and Political Science: 70 years of pedagogical, scientific and public activity. Ivano-Frankivsk Tretyak I.Ya., 2010. 336 p.
  9. Stanislaviv-Stanislav-Ivano-Frankivsk (to the 350th anniversary of Ivano-Frankivsk): monograph. Ivano-Frankivsk; Lviv; Kyiv: Manuscript-Lviv, 2012. 583 p.
  10. Kobuta S. Ivano-Frankivsk in the conditions of the independent Ukrainian state (1991-2011) / History of Ivano-Frankivsk in the XX – XXI centuries. Collective monograph. Ivano-Frankivsk Pp. 196–223.
  11. Kobuta S.Y. In the independent Ukrainian state // Stefanykivsky region of Cheremosh and Prut… Sniatyn region. Historical and ethnographic essay / Head author. Ed.-in-chief. A. Korolko. Sniatyn-Ivano-Frankivsk-Lviv: Manuscript-Lviv, 2014. Pp. 308–332.

Collections of documents and materials

  1. The Western Ukrainian People’s Republic. Documents and materials / Compilers: O. Karpenko, K. Mytsan, science.-ed. works: V. Velykochyi, L. Volosianko, S. Kobuta. Vol. 1. Ivano-Frankivsk: Lileia-NV, 2001. 584 p.
  2. The Western Ukrainian People’s Republic. Documents and materials. Vol. 2. State-building and administrative-organizational processes. Compilers: O. Karpenko, K. Mytsan, V. Velykochyi, L. Volosianko, S. Kobuta. Vol. 2. Ivano-Frankivsk: Lileia-NV, 2003. 712 p.
  3. The Western Ukrainian People’s Republic. 1918-1923. Documents and materials. Vol.3. Book1. Socio-economic relations and liberation struggles / Compilers: O. Karpenko, K. Mytsan, V. Velykochyi, L. Volosianko, Kobuta S., Poslavska-Shelest G. and others. Ivano-Frankivsk: Lileia-NV, 2005. 644 p.
  4. The Western Ukrainian People’s Republic. 1918-1923. Documents and materials. Vol. 3. Book 2. Social-political processes. National-cultural revival. / Compilers: Compilers: O. Karpenko, K. Mytsan, V. Velykochyi, L. Volosianko, S. Kobuta, G. Poslavska-Shelest. Ivano-Frankivsk: Lileia-NV, 2005. 680 p.

Articles published abroad

  1. Kobuta S. Ukrainian lawyers of Stanislaviv: professional and socio-cultural activity (late XIX – early XX century.) / Po stronie pamięci i dialogu… Stanisławów i Ziemia Stanisławowska w dobie przemian społecznych oraz narodowościowych XIX i pierwszej połowy XX wieku. Tom II. Gospodarka – Kultura – Religia, red. P. Hawrylyszyn, M. Kardas, A.A. Ostanek, Warszawa – Stanisławów 2017, 121–137.
  2. Kobuta S. Ukrainian lawyers of Stanislaviv and Stanislaviv region in 1918-1925: quantity, territorial representation, specifics of professional and social activitiy / W obliczu nowej rzeczywistosci Stanisławów and Ziemia Stanisławowska w latach 1918-1923, Volume II Administracja-Kult. P. Hawrylyszyn, M. Kardas, AA Ostanek, Warsaw – Iwano-Frankiwsk, 2018, pp. 128–147.
  3. Kobuta S. Ukrainian lawyers of the Stanislaviv region in the conditions of the Soviet repressive regime 1939-1941 / Wojna zmieniła wszystko Stanisławów i Ziemia Stanisławowska w dobie wojny, okupacji i «wyzwolenia» (1939–1945) Stanislaviv and the Stanislaviv region during the war, occupation and “liberation” in 1939-1945. T.II. Administration – Culture. Warszawa-Ivano-Frankivsk, 2019. P.77-93.

Scientific articles in the accredited professional publications of Ukraine and collections of scientific papers

  1. Kobuta S. The idea of unity in the political life of modern Ukraine // Visnyk of Prykarpattia University. History. Pub. ІІ. Ivano-Frankivsk Pp. 58–63.
  2. Kobuta S. Political Aspects of Legalization of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church (1987–1991) // Man and politics. №3. Pp. 23–28.
  3. Kobuta S. Development of political struggle in the Carpathians in 1989-1990 // Galicia. Scientific and cultural-educational ethnographic 1999. №3. Pp. 76–94.
  4. Kobuta S. Constitutional project of the Galician Republic // Ukraine: cultural heritage, national consciousness, statehood / Institute of Ukrainian Studies. I. Krypyakevych. Pub.6. Western Ukrainian People’s Republic: history and traditions. – Lviv, 2000. 154–156.
  5. Kobuta S. “Rukh”: the first modern public organization in Prykarpattia // Bulletin of the Prykarpattia University. History. Pub. ІІІ. Ivano-Frankivsk Pp. 135–144.
  6. Kobuta S. Life dedicated to the service of science: to the 80th anniversary of Professor OY Karpenko // Galicia. Scientific and cultural-educational local lore journal. 2001, – No. 5–6. Pp. 21–34. (K. Mytzan).
  7. Kobuta S. A scientist and the party-ideological system: documents and materials // Galicia. Scientific and cultural-educational ethnographic journal. 2001, 5 – 6. Pp. 51–72.
  8. Kobuta S. Prykarpattia in the latest Ukrainian national-democratic revolution (1988–2001) // Halychyna. Scientific and cultural-educational ethnographic 2001, 7. Pp. 34–47.
  9. Kobuta S. The difficult history of the difficult century // Galicia. Scientific and cultural-educational local lore journal. 2002. 8. S. 223. (M. Kugutyak).
  10. Kobuta S.Y. Regional peculiarities of the formation of the Narodnyi Rukh Ukrainy (People’s Movement of Ukraine) during Perestroika // Bulletin of the Prykarpattia University. History. Pub. VІ. Ivano-Frankivsk PP. 149 – 159.
  11. Kobuta S. Political and ideological cooperation of Volodymyr Vynnychenko and Volodymyr Levynsky // Bulletin of the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. Philosophy Political Science 2003. Pub. 48. Pp. 44–46. ( Kobuta)
  12. Kobuta S. The difficult history of the difficult century // From the archives of VUCHK-GPU-NKVD-KGB. 2003. 1.20 Pp. 457-460. (Kugutiak M.) El. version: http://resource.history.org.ua/publ/gpu_2003_20_1_457
  13. Kobuta S. Political transformations in the western Ukrainian region in 1991 // Pages of history. Collection of scientific works / Resp. ed. N.F. Hratiuk. K .: IPC Polytechnic Publishing House, 2005. 23. Pp. 225–229.
  14. Kobuta S. Internal denominations conflicts as a factor of destabilization of public life in Ukraine in the 90s of the XX century. / Ethnographic collection in honor of Bohdan Havryliv. Scholarly publication Ivano-Frankivsk: Tipovit, 2003. Pp. 206–210.
  15. Kobuta S. Ethnopolitical processes in Ukrainian cities at the turn of the 80-90s of the XX century. (regional aspect) / Ethnocultural processes in the Ukrainian urban environment of the XX century. Collection of scientific and theoretical articles. Pub. 2. / Editor-in-Chief Pavliuk S.P. Ivano-Frankivsk: Nova Zoria, 2006. Pp. 149–153.
  16. Kobuta S.Yo. Ukrainian rights: peculiarities of the formation and activitiy of party structures in the western Ukrainian region / Relations between the West and East of Ukraine: subjects, interests, values: Coll. Science. works / Science. ed. .I.F. Kononov. Luhansk: Knowledge, 2007. Pp. 356-367. ( Kobuta L.P.)
  17. Kobuta S. “Perestroika Syndrome”: power and church in the system of political coordinates / State and Church in Ukraine during the Soviet era: Collection of scientific articles / Based on the II All-Ukrainian Scientific Conference October 18-19, 2007. Poltava: ASMI, 2008. Pp. 237-244.
  18. Kobuta S. “Informal” public organizations in 1987-1989 as predecessors of the Ukrainian political movement // Scientific notes of Volodymyr Hnatiuk Ternopil National Pedagogical University. Series: History / General. ed. prof. Zulyaka I.S. Vip.1. Ternopil: Publishing house of TNPU named after V. Hnatyuk, 2008. Pp. 125-134.
  19. Kobuta S. Political and legal grounds for recognition of the OUN and UPA as a belligerent party in World War II // Galicia. Scientific and cultural-educational ethnographic magazine 2008. No. 14 Pp. 58-67. ( М.Кuhutiak).
  20. Kobuta S.Yo. Western Ukrainian People’s Republic: a non-typical example of the Ukrainian statehood during the Ukrainian revolution of 1917-1921. // Ukraine: Cultural Heritage, National Consciousness and Statehood. Issue 18 / National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Institute of Ukrainian Studies. Krypiakevych. 2009. P.51-61.
  21. Kobuta S.Yo. “Banderization” of Ukraine: imaginary and real threats // Galicia. Scientific and cultural-educational ethnographic journal. 2009. 15-16. Pp .709-720.
  22. Kobuta S.Yo. Democratic elections in Ukraine in 1990: peculiarities and consequences // Bulletin of the Prykarpattia University. Istria. Issue 17. 2010. Pp. 35-45. ( L.P. Kobuta)
  23. Kobuta S. Presidential elections of 2010: peculiarities and results // Galicia. Scientific and cultural-educational ethnographic magazine 2010. 17. Pp.209-218.
  24. Kobuta S. Problems of political and party identification of the Narodnyi Rukh Ukrainy (People’s Movement of Ukraine)/ Ukraine. Nation State Proceedings of the All-Ukrainian Scientific Conference Dedicated to the 20th Anniversary of the Narodnyi Rukh Ukrainy (People’s Movement of Ukraine). Ivano-Frankivsk, October 29, 2009. Ivano-Frankivsk, Misto NV, 2010. Pp.30-47.
  25. Kobuta S.Y. “Galician Assembly of 1991”: a political project or an attempt at regional cooperation // Bulletin of the Prykarpattia University. Pub.19. 2011 P.35-45.
  26. Kobuta S. Factors of political recognition of the the Narodnyi Rukh Ukrainy (People’s Movement of Ukraine) and the potential for their implementation // The Narodnyi Rukh Ukrainy (People’s Movement of Ukraine): place in history and politics. Proceedings of the VIII All-Ukrainian Scientific Conference Dedicated to the 20th Anniversary of Independence of Ukraine, May 25-26, 2011, Odessa. Odessa: Astroprint, 2011. P.176-182.
  27. Kobuta S.Yo. Ivano-Frankivsk City Government (1990-1994): the rule of the “first democrats” // Galicia. Scientific and cultural-educational ethnographic journal. 2011. 18-19 P.94-110.
  28. Kobuta S.Yo. The problem of the veteran status for the UPA soldiers: the consolidation resource of politicians and legal prospects of recognition of veterans // Scientific Bulletin of Chernivtsi University. Issue 583-584. History. Political science. International relations Collection of scientific works. – Chernivtsi: ChNU, 2011. 173-176.
  29. Kobuta S.Yo. The Ivano-Frankivsk branch of the Ukrainian Helsinki Union: dynamics of functioning / S.Yo. Kobuta // Young Nation. 2011. – Special Issue №51: Ukrainian Helsinki Union: conference materials dedicated to the 20th anniversary of its formation. Pp. 173-182.
  30. Kobuta S.Yo. Representation of Tysmenytsia deputies in the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine and the regional council in the period of independent Ukraine // Tysmenytsia in the past and present: history, economy and culture: Proceedings of the scientific conference on ethnography dedicated to the 950th anniversary of Tysmenytsia. May, 18 / Ivano-Frankivsk: Lileia-NV, 2012. P.101-107. (L.P. Kobuta).
  31. Kobuta S.Yo. “Threats” to the state independence of Ukraine: phobias of Ukrainian patriots / Current issues of modern politics. Proceedings of the III Inter-university Scientific and Practical Conference of Young Political Scientists, November 11, 2011. Rivne, RDGU, 2012. P.7-8.
  32. Kobuta S.Yo. National-democratic revival in Prykarpattia in 1988-1991// History of Ukraine. 2012. №9-10, March. P.18-23.
  33. Kobuta S.Yo. The status and trends of economic cooperation in Ukrainian-Georgian economic relations in 2005-2011 // Galicia. Scientific and cultural-educational local lore journal. 2012. 20, 21 P.105-111. (A. Yavorskyi)
  34. Kobuta S.Yo. Ivano-Frankivsk in 1992: trends of the socio-economic life of the city in the first year of Ukrainian independence // Galicia. Scientific and cultural-educational local lore journal 2013. 21,22 P.272-281. He sang. LP Kobuta
  35. Kobuta S.Yo. The rally “wave” in 1989 in Prykarpattia / Fedorchak Petro Stepanovych: Bibliographic index (to the 80th anniversary of the birth and 50th anniversary of scientific and pedagogical activities at Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian University) [ed.: O.B. Gutsuliak, I.M. Arabchuk]. Ivano-Frankivsk: Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University Publishing House, 2013. – pp. 53-72. (L.P. Kobuta)
  36. Kobuta S.Yo. The selfless way of Rev. Yaroslav Lesiv // Greek Catholic clergy in the socio-political and national-cultural life of Ukrainians materials of the All-Ukrainian scientific conference “Historical figures of the Greek Catholic Church and their role in cultural, educational and national revival” (Kolomyia, October 18, 2013). Kolomyia: Age, 2013. P.81-87.
  37. Kobuta S.Yo. Ivano-Frankivsk Regional Branch of the Ukrainian Helsinki Union (1988-1990) // Bulletin of the Precarpathian University. History. Pub. 23 – 24 To the 20th anniversary of the Department of Slavic History and the 80th anniversary of Professor Peter Fedorchak. 129-135.
  38. Kobuta S.Y. Tlumach “experiment” in 1993: faces of local democracy / Tlumach: history and modernity: materials of the All-Ukrainian scientific-practical conference dedicated to the 800th anniversary of the founding of Tlumach (Tlumach, October 25, 2013) / compiler A.A. Bilas. Interpreter: 2014. P.89-93.
  39. Kobuta S.Yo. European integration of Ukraine: three waves of the “return” to Europe strategy/ National consolidation in the context of European integration. Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference, October 31 – November 1, 2013. Ivano-Frankivsk, 2013. P.271-274. (P. Kobuta)
  40. Kobuta S.Yo. Humanitarian aspects of modern Ukrainian-Georgian relations / S.Yo. Kobuta // Visnyk of Prykarpattia University. History. Pub.25. 2014. P.68-76. (A.A. Yavorskyi)
  41. Kobuta S.Yo. Ethnic dimensions of modern separatism in Ukraine / Ethnopolitical transformations of Ukraine in the context of integration processes of Central and Eastern Europe. Proceedings of the scientific-practical conference, May 23-24, 2014. Ivano-Frankivsk, 2014. P.33-39. (L.P. Kobuta)
  42. Kobuta S.Yo. Forms and methods of communist authorities counteracting the revival of the UGCC in 1987-1989 (on the example of Ivano-Frankivsk region) // Carpathians: man, ethnic group, civilization. Pub.5. 2014. -С.224-229.
  43. Kobuta S.Yo. “Rukh” candidates for the presidential election: election strategy and results / Intelligentsia and power. Proceedings of the Sixth All-Ukrainian Scientific Conference, Odessa, May 20-23, 2014. Odessa, 2014. P.88-91.
  44. Kobuta S. Professor Oleksandr Karpenko – the difficult fate of the Ukrainian scientist / Intelligence and power. Proceedings of the Sixth All-Ukrainian Scientific Conference, Odessa, May 20-23, 2014. Odessa, 2014. P.91-94.
  45. Kobuta S. Informational war of Russia as a factor in destabilizing the situation in modern Ukraine / Collection of scientific papers of the round table “Psychological security of the individual in conditions of socio-political instability”, Ivano-Frankivsk, November 27, 2014. El. version: http://www.pu.if.ua/depart/SocialPsychology/ua/4725/
  46. Kobuta S. Archaeographic contribution of Professor O. Karpenko in the study of the history of the Western Ukrainian People’s Republic // Galicia. Scientific and cultural-educational local lore journal. To the 95th anniversary of the formation of the Western Ukrainian People’s Republic. 25-26. 2014. P.358-363.
  47. Kobuta S. Social legalization of the UGCC as a factor of national and religious revival in 1987-1991. // Scientific Bulletin of Ivano-Frankivsk Theological University of the UGCC “Good Shepherd”. Collection of scientific works / Ch. ed. D.A. Horban. Issue 6. Theology: to the 120th anniversary of the birth of Mykola Ivano-Frankivsk: Ivano-Frankivsk Theological University, 2014. P.190-196.
  48. Kobuta S. Heroics of national memory of the Sich shooting as a factor in intensifying the political struggle of Ukrainians for independence in the late 1980s – early 1990s // Ukraine: cultural heritage, national consciousness, statehood. Lviv: Lviv, I. Krypyakevych Ukrainian studies institute, Issue. 26. 2015. Pp. 229-233.
  49. Kobuta S. Mass unauthorized meetings in the Carpathians in 1989 as a factor in the democratization of socio-political life in the region // Galicia. Scientific and cultural-educational local lore journal. 2015. Part 27 – P.157-167. (L.P. Kobuta)
  50. Kobuta S. Professor V. Hrabovetsky: a memory of a teacher, mentor, man / He was a historian truthful and hardworking… (In memory of Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Vladimir Grabovetsky on the first anniversary of his death on December 4, 2015). Ivano-Frankivsk: Prykarpattia. nat. univ. V. Stefanika, 2016. P. 81–84.
  51. Kobuta S. The role and place of the UCC Defense Committee in the legalization of the Greek Catholic Church // Scientific Bulletin of the Ivano-Frankivsk. Theological University of the UGCC “Good Shepherd”. Collection of scientific works № 64. Theology / Ch. ed. R.A. Hunchback. Pub. 8: to the 150th anniversary of the birth of Metropolitan Andrei Sheptytsky. Ivano-Frankivsk: IFBU, 2015. P.224-232.
  52. Kobuta S. Professional and socio-political activity of lawyers of Stanislaviv region (end of the XIX – first half of the XX century): historiographical review // Halychyna. Scientific and cultural-educational ethnographic Part 28 2016. P.165-177.
  53. Kobuta S. Pokuttia Lawyers in the State-Building Processes of the Western Ukrainian People’s Republic / Pokuttya is a Land of Victory and Struggle. Materials of the scientific-theoretical conference (as part of the VII Regional Festival of Amateur Art “Pokut Sources”), Sniatyn, September 17, 2016 / edited by A. Korolko. Sniatyn, Chernivtsi: Print Art, 2017. P.65-71.
  54. Kobuta S. Social, moral, and ethical aspects of the participation of Ukrainian lawyers in political trials on the OUN members in the 1930s / Social policy in the theory and practice of Ukrainian nationalism: history and present. Materials of the VII All-Ukrainian Scientific Conference Dedicated to the 75th Anniversary of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army, Ivano-Frankivsk, May 19-20, 2017, Ivano-Frankivsk, Lilya NV, 2017. P.142-152.
  55. Kobuta S.Y. Yulian Sheparovych – a lawyer, officer of the UGA and the Army of the Ukrainian People’s Republic, cooperative activist of Galicia / Ukrainian army in the national revolution of 1917-1921. (To the 100th anniversary of the UPR army). All-Ukrainian Scientific Conference, Lviv, November 3, 2017. Lviv: 2017. P.85-88. (L.P. Kobuta)
  56. Kobuta S. The role of the Hoshiv monastery in the legalization struggle of the UGCC in the Dolyna region in the late 1980s // Carpathians: man, ethnic group, civilization. 7-8. 2017-2018. P.146-157. (L.P. Kobuta)
  57. Kobuta S. Stanislavivsky lawyers M. Lytvynovych and Y. Olesnytsky – friends of I. Lypa and Y. Lypa / IX Lypiv readings. Materials of the All-Ukrainian scientific-practical conference, Poltava, May 11-12, 2018. Poltava: PUET, 2018.P.134-140.
  58. Kobuta S. Professional and socio-political activity of lawyers of Stanislaviv region (end of XIX – first half of XX century): source aspect // Halychyna. Scientific and cultural-educational ethnigraphic Issue. 29-30. 2017. P.217-225.
  59. Kobuta S. Ukrainian lawyers in the socio-political and cultural life of Tysmenychchyna in the 1920s and 1930s. / Pokuttya is the cradle of Ukrainian national state-building. Materials of the VII local history conference / science. ed. I. Fedoryshyn and A. Korolko. Tysmenytsia – Ivano-Frankivsk: Lileya-NV, 2018. p.231-236
  60. Kobuta S. Galician lawyers – victims of repressions of the NKVD in 1939-1945. / Great terror and mass repressions in Ukraine (1920-1950). Materials of the All-Ukrainian Scientific Conference, Lviv, June 8, 2018. Lviv, 2018. P.35-37. http://www.asv.gov.ua/content/nauka/2018/08-06-2018_zb_tez_dop.pdf
  61. Kobuta Stepan. Political and parliamentary activity of Ukrainian lawyers of Stanislaviv region (end of XIX – early XX century.) // Bulletin of the Precarpathian University. Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University Ivano-Frankivsk: LIK, Issue.12. 2018. P.46-57.( L. Kobuta)
  62. Kobuta S. Political and military participation of Ukrainian lawyers from Pokuttya in the revolutionary events of 1918-1919. / “Kolomyia and Pokuttya in the vortex of state formation of the Western Ukrainian People’s Republic” Materials of the All-Ukrainian scientific-practical conference dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Ukrainian revolution (Kolomyia, October 5, 2018) / Comp. Plekan Y.V., Arsak M.M., Mandrusyak V.I. Ivano-Frankivsk: NAIR, 2018. P.27-42.
  63. Kobuta S. Bukovyna “traces” in the biographies and activities of Ukrainian lawyers of Stanislaviv region (end of XIX century – 1920s) / Bukovynian People’s Chamber: one hundred years from idea to realization. Collection of materials of the international scientific conference (Chernivtsi, November 1-2, 2018). Chernivtsi: Technodruk, 2018. P.65-67.
  64. Kobuta S. Lawyer Lev Bachynsky: brushes to the biographical portrait // Galicia. Scientific and cultural-educational ethnographic journal. Part 31 2018. P.126-135. (H. Paska)
  65. Kobuta S. Lawyers of the Hutsul region / Hutsul region – Slavic Atlantis: history, culture, tourism, personnel and studies: materials of the international scientific-practical conference. Krakow-Ivano-Frankivsk-Kosmach, 2019. P.412-433 (L. Kobuta)
  66. Kobuta S. Hutsul region and Hutsuls during the period of the Western Ukrainian People’s Republic // Pysanka. Literary and artistic almanac. Verkhovyna, 2019, №3 (21), January-June, pp.8-13.
  67. Kobuta S. Legal component of the biography and activities of Ivan Semaniuk (Marko Cheremshyna) // Snyatyn. Ethnographic and literary and artistic magazine. 2019. P.19 (33). P.24-33.
  68. Kobuta S. Ukrainian lawyers of Stanislaviv region in the national liberation struggles of 1914-1921. // Bulletin of Precarpathian University. History. 2017. P.21-28.
  69. Kobuta S. Socio-political activity of Ukrainian dissident Yaroslav Lesiv // Visnyk of Prykarpattia University. Political Science / Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University. – Ivano-Frankivsk: LIK, Issue.13. – 2019. – P.15-25. ( Kobuta)
  70. Kobuta S. Stanislaviv intellectual Yulian Olesnytsky (1878-1941) / Materials of the All-Ukrainian scientific conference “Second Hrabovetsky historical readings” (On the occasion of the 90th anniversary of Academician Volodymyr Hrabovetsky) (Ivano-Frankivsk, September 27, 2019). Ivano-Frankivsk P.271-281. (L. Kobuta)
  71. Kobuta S. Prykarpattia and its populations in the life of Ivan and Yuriy Lypiv: details to the biographies// 10th Lypiv readings: materials of the All-Ukrainian scientific-practical conference [Ivano-Frankivsk, 24-25. 09. 2020] / S. Kucherenko. Ivano-Frankivsk, IFNMU, 2020. (208 p.) P. 80-84.
  72. Kobuta S. Ukrainian lawyers of the Shukhevych family / Collection of materials “Ukrainian national liberation movement in the XX century: problems, experience, lessons” / compiler J. Koretchuk. Ivano-Frankivsk: City of NV, 2020. P.23-31.
  73. Kobuta S. “Peasant” lawyer from the Hutsul region – Ivan Semanyuk (Marko Cheremshyna) (1874-1927). // Galicia. Scientific and cultural-educational ethnographic journal. 2020. Part 33. P. 146-157.
  74. Kobuta S. Ukrainian lawyers of the Stanislaviv region – victims of communist and Nazi repressive regimes in 1939-1945. Humanities: collection of scientific works of Drohobych State Pedagogical University. Drohobych History Series. Issue 4/46 (2020). P.104-130.
  75. Kobuta S. The future state and political system and the system of power relations in Ukraine in the vision of V. Chornovil in 1988-1991. Chornovil readings: Materials of the VI All-Ukrainian Scientific Conference (Kyiv, March 14, 2020) / edited. V.F. Derevinsky. Kyiv: Beskydy, 2020. P.36-40.
  76. Kobuta S. Influence of V. Chornovil on the development of the national-democratic movement in Prykarpattia in 1987-1989 Chornovil readings: Materials of the VII All-Ukrainian Scientific Forum (Kyiv, March 27, 2021) / ed. V.F. Derevinsky. Kyiv: Beskydy, 2021. P.27-31.
  77. Kobuta S.Yo. Manipulative essence of the All-Union referendum on March 17, 1991: Ukrainian practice / Unity as a fundamental component of the ideology of Ukrainian nationalism. Materials of the IX All-Ukrainian Scientific Conference with International Participation. Ivano-Frankivsk, April 16-17, 2021 Science. ed. О.М.Сич. Ivano-Frankivsk: Lilya NV, 2021. 69-77
  78. Kobuta, S.Yo., Kobuta, S.S. (2021). Literary work of the Ukrainian Galician lawyers at the end of the XIX – beginning of the XX century. Humanities: a collection of scientific works of Drohobych State Pedagogical University named after Ivan Franko. History Series, 6/48, 160–179.
  79. Kobuta S. Professional work and material conditions of Ukrainian county lawyers Galicia at the turn of the XIX-XX centuries. Galicia. Scientific and cultural-educational local lore journal. 2021 Part 34. P. 103-116.
  80. Kobuta S. Doctor of Law Andriy Kos as a prominent and original lawyer and public figure of the Kalush region. Ethnographer of Prykarpattia. Regional scientific and methodical almanac. January-June 37, Odesa. 41-45.
  81. Kobuta S. Ukrainian lawyers of the Horodenka region: the end of the XIX – 1939. Yamgoriv. Literary and ethnographic and art almanac. 2021 Number 31-32 (2). P.150-160.
  82. Slogans and articles in encyclopedic publications Western Ukrainian People’s Republic 1918–1923. Encyclopedia: To the 100th anniversary of the Western Ukrainian People’s Republic. 1-T.4

Educational and methodological manuals

  1. Kobuta S. Movement for the state independence and national revival / My native land – Prykarpattia. Study guide. Ivano-Frankivsk: Play, 2000. Pp. 365-373.
  2. Kobuta S. History of Ukraine: modular course. Educational and methodical manual for students of non-historical specialties of higher educational institutions. Ivano-Frankivsk, 2008. 65 p.
  3. Kobuta S. Processes and problems of social transformation in modern Ukraine. Methodical materials for studying the special course. For students majoring in “History”. Ivano-Frankivsk, 2008. 24 p.
  4. Kobuta S.Yo. Research work of students. A textbook for students majoring in “History” and “Political Science”. Ivano-Frankivsk, 2008. 56 p. (P. Kobuta).
  5. Kobuta S.Yo. Research work in the archives. Textbook for students majoring in “History” and “Political Science” Ivano-Frankivsk, 2010. 64 p. ( L.P. Kobuta).
  6. Kobuta S.Y., Solovka L.M. Organization of research work in archives: on the example of the State Archives of Ivano-Frankivsk region. Scientific and methodical manual. Ivano-Frankivsk, 2015. 216 p. http://daifo.if.gov.ua/pdf/search_man.pdf
  1. History of Ukraine of the mid XVI-XVIII centuries (for the bachelor’s degree  “Secondary education (History)”  – 3 semester; “History and Archeology ” – 4 semester).
  2. History of Ukraine (for the bachelor’s degree for students of non-historical majors of the Faculty of Pedagogics and Faculty of Psychology  – 1 semester).
  3. Історія державності та культури України (бакалаврат – Професійна освіта. Цифрові технології“), 2 семестр(for the bachelor’s degree  “Secondary education (History)”  – 3 semester; “History and Archeology ” – 4 semester).
  4. Totalitarian states in the XX century: ideology, structure, dictators (for the bachelor’s degree “Secondary education (History)” – 5 semester).
  5. National elites in the struggle for Ukrainian independence and statehood (1914-1921) – (for the bachelor’s degree  “History and Archeology ” – 6 semester).
  6. Law studies in secondary schools (for the bachelor’s degree “Secondary education (History)” – 7 semester).
  7. Topical problems of the history of independent Ukraine (for the bachelor’s degree “History and Archeology” – 8 semester).
  8. History of Intelligence Services of the leading world countries (for the bachelor’s degree “Secondary education (History)” – 8 semester).
  9. Ukrainian cinema: history, films, personalities (магістратура – “Середня освіта (Історія)”), 3 семестр. (for the Master’s degree – “Secondary education (History)” – 3 semester).

Faculty of History, Political Science and International Relations
Department of History of Ukraine and methods of teaching history
street Shevchenko, 57, aud. 601
(Humanitarian Corps, 6th floor)
Ivano-Frankivsk, 76018

e-mail: stepan.kobuta@pnu.edu.ua

tel: (0342) 59-60-06
Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University